Am trait s-o vad si p-asta! Madonna a fost huiduita la Bucuresti! Si nu ma bucur pentru ca as avea ceva cu Madonna. Din contra, chiar imi place muzica ei in mare parte si admir energia si talentul de care da dovada. In schimb sunt mandru de reactia (corecta din punctul meu de vedere) a publicului prezent la concert (aproximativ 60.000 de oameni) cand "diva" pe langa faptul ca a adus lautari rromi pe scena, lucru care nu se face intr-un astfel de show, a si inceput sa faca apeluri pentru egalitatea dintre rromi, homosexuali si celelalte etnii, spunand ca acestia au probleme in estul Europei. Astfel de texte auzeam si cu 3-4 ani in urma venind de la U.E. care ne reprosa in gura mare ca nu dam drepturi tiganilor. Acum ei sunt cei care ingradesc libera circulatie rromilor, pentru ca nu se descurca cu ei. De ce? Simplu, e usor sa vorbesti si sa arati cu degetul. Iar cand tu, "divo" ai pretentii exorbitante pentru un show de 2 ore, in timp ce mii de oameni mor de foame in lume, cum iti permiti sa vorbesti de discriminare? Cat despre "jurnalistii lu' peste prajit" care dau stiri gen: "Diva a fost vazuta la fereastra in timp ce aranja draperia!" si tot felul de aberatii nu mai vorbesc! Ma asteptam, la acelasi "pupincurism" tipic romanesc pentru orice vedeta care este cunoscuta mai mult decat pe strada ei! Insa asteptarile mele au fost infirmate de publicul de la concert! Inca o data BRAVO! pentru reactia lor, ii admir!
P.S. Cateva comentarii asupra filmuletului de mai sus postate pe Youtube, foarte corecte din punctul meu de vedere:
so i've been chased by gypsies with bloody swords after they broke into my house(1) they throwed rocks at me cuz they wanted to rob me(2), and you wonder why i don't like them, it's reason is quite obvious, and the ironical part is they have shit loads of rights and they are tolerated in our country, unlike others who shooed them away or burned them alive in the cermatorias (like auschwitz), so please shut the fuck up.
Gypsies were kicked out of Western Europe and ACCEPTED in Eastern, so she's preaching to the wrong crowd!
Gypsies are tolerated too much to their disgustign crimes. We in Bulgaria have a serious problem with prostitution, babyselling, rapes ,robbery and pickpocketting- all typical GYPSY crime. My parents home was robbed over 20 times!
I sure am! and as such, I know that things look very different from afar, than they really are and everything is not plain black & white. There are problems with minorities all over the world, not just in Romania, Israel or America. Also, getting preached by an outsider is always a bitch.
if you ever gave something to us is was surely to control things around here... don't tell me Americans actually care for Romanians. i won't believe that lie! nobody gives anything for free!
85%-90% are "that bad"! of course there are good Gypsies, but a small number! i know it's hard to believe that, but it's sadly true! i think somehow the word "Gypsy" became a synonym with "delinquent"! to bad for those 10% who try to have a normal life...
Why are you being stupid , romanians booed her because the tramp didn't know what she was talking about , do you see how ridiculous is to get lessons of morality from madonna , a well know former prostitute without morals ?People payed for music not lessons of morality made by this bimbo .